Official partner

DBU x Veo

Veo og DBU samarbejde

Over 500 klubber i Danmark bruger allerede Veo til at optage og analysere deres kampe og træninger. Vi har et mål om, at alle fodboldhold i verden skal have mulighed for at optage deres kampe, så ingen øjeblikke går tabt.

Som en del af samarbejdet mellem DBU og Veo kan alle danske klubber, der er medlem af DBU, få 10% rabat på et Veo-kamera samt tripod. Pris fra 8947 kr. Tilbuddet er tilgængeligt ved køb af et årsabonnement.

Benyt følgende rabatkode: DBU10 i vores online shop eller ved at booke et kald med en af vores salgsrepræsentanter her.

DBU’s og Veos samarbejde har gjort det muligt, at alle klubber under DBU med et klik kan overføre kampe fra Veos platform til DBU’s Fodbold-app. Se, hvordan du deler din kamp med DBU her.


Eksklusive fordele for DBU's (Dansk Boldspil Union) hold og samarbejdspartnere‍

Veo er forpligtet til at hjælpe med at udvikle atleter i hele Danmark. En af måderne, vi kan gøre det på, er at give holdene mulighed for at optage deres kampe og træning til en overkommelig pris. Alle DBU-hold (Dansk Boldspil Union) og tilknyttede virksomheder vil modtage en standardrabat på €200 på deres kamera.

Dette tilbud er berettiget ved køb af et 1- eller 2-årigt abonnement på hold-, klub- eller virksomhedsniveau. Indtast dine oplysninger i formularen nedenfor for at modtage din rabatkode, som kan bruges i Veos webshop eller ved at booke et opkald til en salgsrepræsentant.

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The Camera ID is located on the back of the camera. For Veo Cam 1 and Veo Cam 2, it's in the format of '14:ae:85:91:00:00', remember to add the : in between the numbers and lowercase letters. For Veo Cam 3, it will be five digits.
We’ll do our best to connect you with an agent who speaks your preferred language. If that’s not possible, don’t worry — we’ll make sure you’re supported in English.

Thank you for signing up for our offer!

Head to our webshop to buy now or book a call with one of our sales representatives at your convenience.

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Level Up with Veo Cam 3

Veo Cam 3 offers seamless game recording and powerful analytics in one device. Automatically capturing every moment, it provides deep insights and personalized player highlights to help teams refine their strategies and enhance player development.


Veo Cam 3 is an all-in-one sports camera

It automatically follows the action on the field, providing a broadcast-like experience. With features like live streaming, immediate playback, and bookmarking crucial moments, Veo Cam 3 makes capturing and analyzing games seamless and intuitive.

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Engage your players in the postmatch analysis

In the Veo Editor, you can re-watch the entire game or create your own clips of the most important match highlights. Tag your players and comment on the highlights or use the drawing tools to demonstrate your thoughts visually – you have all the tools you need to create an engaging learning environment.

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Veo Analytics brings data-driven insights to your team.

It offers various tools such as scoreboards, heatmaps, shot maps, and 2D maps to visualize player positions and game momentum. This automated system allows you to track match statistics and performance, turning raw data into powerful insights to enhance both team and individual performance.

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Analyze individual player performance

This feature focuses on individual player performance, creating personalized highlight reels that can be shared or added to player profiles. It allows players and coaches to review specific moments, helping players to develop by studying their actions in detail and receiving targeted feedback.

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