What are Soccer Coaches Looking for at Tryouts?

Soccer tryouts can be intimidating as they are the first opportunity for coaches to evaluate your talent. It's okay to feel nervous during soccer tryouts even if you are well prepared. In this piece, we share some fantastic tips to help you get ready for your soccer tryouts. Read on to learn more.
Be Locked and Loaded

Get enough sleep. Your body needs to be in top form for tryouts. Also, arrive early, at least five minutes early, to avoid wasting valuable time when coaches need to evaluate how well equipped and ready-to-go you are!
Stay warm but don't sweat too much before tryouts start. When the whistle blows, it's time to go all out! Until then, keep blood pumping through jogging, sprinting drills, and some lightweight lifting.
What to Bring
Have everything you need with you! Ensure you bring your equipment and gear, such as a comfy and breathable uniform (brightly colored if possible), cleats, shin guards, towel, water, and a snack. Bring copies of any necessary paperwork, such as medical paperwork and parent consent forms. If you have your uniform from last year, that's good too - just in case they let old players onto the team without trying out again!
Do Your Homework
Check out the team schedule. You should look at the dates, times for games, and practices so that you can plan and accommodate any extra learning.
Consider what position you want to play. Do you have a favorite position? If not, what do you think suits your talents best? Also, familiarize yourself with the coaches to feel more relaxed during tryouts.
Be sure to research any history of success or failure the team has had in recent years:
- What were their biggest victories and losses?
- What did they do right or wrong in those situations?
- What strengths did they draw on when things were going well, and what weaknesses might they have exposed when they lost?
Knowing these details will help you consider how much fun it would be to play with this team, making it easier to put your best foot forward during tryouts.
Portray Confidence
Everyone wants to put their best foot forward, but few know exactly how. Confidence is a crucial skill in all aspects of life, and soccer tryouts are no different.
When it comes to being confident at tryouts, there's a fine line between too much and not enough. Avoid being arrogant or cocky. Instead, be self-assured and show the coaches that you have what it takes to be on the team.
The good news? Confidence is contagious! Even if you don't feel confident going into your tryout, these tips will help you feel like a champ in no time. Walk onto the field with conviction. Pretend like there are cameras on you at all times
Be Coachable

Being open to learning helps you understand the game better. It requires you to be a good listener, maintain eye contact with your coaches, and ask questions when something isn't clear. Being coachable means always having a positive attitude, even when you make a mistake or are struggling on the field.
Essentially, get into the habit of doing what they say without hesitation. Follow the coaches' instructions at tryouts. Say things like "Yes, Coach" and "No, Coach" until you can do it instinctively, even when your teammates make excuses or talk back.
Ooze Positivity
You will hear a lot of negativity from other players during tryouts; "Well, that didn't go well!" or "I don't think I'll make the team this year!"
It's okay to be honest about how things went for you. However, avoid discussions about what other players are doing wrong or why the team is unlikely to win many games this season. Instead, focus on your performance and find ways to stay upbeat.
Don't Be Afraid To Ask Questions

Ask the coach for guidance if you're unclear about anything happening during tryouts, such as drills or which exercise comes next. Avoid just working with your teammates' guesswork as a foundation.
Asking questions shows initiative and readiness to perform at a higher level. By the end of tryouts, coaches will have formed an opinion about each player regarding how coachable they were—and whether they actively sought out opportunities to learn more to become more effective on the field.
Don't Try Out For a New Position You Aren't Ready For
The last thing you want to do is show up to your tryout unprepared. Being unprepared while playing a new position or one no one has ever asked you to play might mean immaturity and desperation to the coaches. Before going into the tryout, make sure you have a clue through in-game experience or outside training.
Maybe you're trying out for a new position because of new rules, from defense to midfield. In such a case, carry on. Just make it clear it's because of the rule change and not trying out something different on a whim.
Hydrate and Fuel Up Before Tryouts
The heat is on, and plenty of water is necessary to keep your body hydrated. Remember that you're going to sweat a lot during tryouts, so bring an empty water bottle or two to stay refreshed throughout the day.
Avoid eating a heavy meal two hours before tryouts start, lest you feel sluggish and lethargic. Instead, take in some carbs and protein 2-3 hours before heading to the fields. Avoid foods high in fiber, fat, and sugar, which may lead to cramping or upset stomach during tryouts.
Watch out for Bad Habits like Biting Nails or Fidgety Hands
Don't be fooled by how simple and easy it looks.
Coaches can spot small details about you that you may not even realize yourself. They'll notice the way you walk, talk, and general behavior. For example, biting your nails is a sign you are uptight or nervous, not to mention it's gross!
Assume you are the coach during tryouts; who do you think will stand out? The calm and collected person with calm arms, or the one with their hands stuffed in their pockets? The one slightly hunched over instead of standing straight with their chin up and shoulders back?
It doesn't matter what position you play; coaches always look for confidence.
Attitude! Attitude! Attitude!
A positive attitude goes a long way to impress the coaches at soccer tryouts. Show up on time with a positive outlook; be prepared and willing to respect the hustle, and treat your teammates with respect, regardless of their skill level.
Make your Soccer Tryouts Memorable

Tryouts are similar to a work interview in every way. It may sound silly, but these little things add up big, just like one goal against an opponent during a major match.
Don't be caught unprepared by letting yourself get distracted before showing off what makes you special about the sport you adore. At Veo, we have the ultimate cameras to capture those special moments during tryouts. Recording your tryouts and practice sessions is also great to help you improve. So, if you want to make a memorable session for posterity the Veo camera is the way to go.
Want to learn more?
At Veo, we are passionate about helping individual athletes and sports teams reach their full potential using cutting-edge video technology.
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At Veo, we are passionate about helping individual athletes and sports teams reach their full potential using cutting-edge video technology.