Mastering the Basics: Essential Lacrosse Drills for Beginners
Summary of Lacrosse drills for beginners:
• Ground Ball Drill: Players scoop up ground balls rolled by the coach.
• Ground Ball Relay: Teams compete in a relay format to scoop up and return ground balls.
• Wall Ball: Players throw the ball against a wall and catch it on the rebound, emphasizing passing, catching, and shooting.
• Partner Pass Drill: Two players pass the ball back and forth to develop accuracy and speed.
• Triangle Passing: Three players pass the ball in a triangle formation to improve quick ball movement.
• Knockdown: Players aim to knock down objects placed on top of the goal.
• Musical Balls: A variation of musical chairs focusing on quick shooting under pressure.
• Mirror Drill: Defensive players mirror the movement of attackers to improve footwork.
• Poke and Drop Drill: Players practice the poke check technique and transition between offense and defense.
• Zig-Zag Sprint: Players sprint in a zig-zag pattern between cones.
• Four Corner Drill: Players sprint around a square of cones, incorporating ground balls or passes.
• Rapid Fire Shots: Goalie blocks shots from multiple shooters.
• Bounce Shot Drill: Goalie tries to block shots that bounce before reaching the goal.
• Lacrosse Scavenger Hunt: Teams race to complete a list of lacrosse-related tasks.
• Trick Shot Competition: Players attempt trick shots, earning points for creativity.
Are you new to lacrosse, or a coach wanting to know the most essential and fun lacrosse drills for beginners? Dive into our comprehensive guide to kickstart a strong foundation in this exhilarating sport

Ground Balls
Ground Ball Drill
One of the basic lacrosse skills every player should master is picking up ground balls. Ground balls often dictate the flow of the game, making them crucial for any lacrosse player, whether they're on offense or defense.
- Players line up in two lines facing each other.
- The coach rolls the ball on the ground between the two lines.
- The first player from each line races to scoop up the ground ball using the proper technique. The player who successfully gathers the ball becomes the attacker, while the other becomes the defender.
- The drill is repeated until all players have had a chance to play both roles.
Tip: Ensure that players bend their knees and get low to the ground, using the top hand to guide the lacrosse stick and the bottom hand to drive it.
Ground Ball Relay
For a fun twist on the ground ball drill, teams can compete against each other in a relay format. Two teams line up on opposite sides of the field. The first player from each team runs out, scoops a ground ball, and returns it to the next player in line. The team that finishes first wins!
Wall Ball: Perfecting Passing and Catching
Wall ball is one of the most recommended youth lacrosse drills. It helps in enhancing basic skills like passing, catching, and shooting. Players can start practicing this drill at home, making it ideal for beginners.
- Stand about 10 feet away from a sturdy wall.
- With a lacrosse stick in hand, throw the ball against the wall and catch it on the rebound.
- For variety, practice catching with both the dominant and non-dominant hand.
- High reps are essential. Aim for 50 throws and catches without dropping the ball.
Tip: Focus on maintaining a stationary position and ensuring the top hand is doing most of the work during the catch.
Passing Drills
Partner Pass Drill
Passing is a fundamental skill in lacrosse, and this drill is great for beginners to develop accuracy and speed in their passes.
- Two players stand about 20 feet apart.
- They pass the ball back and forth, focusing on proper technique.
- As they become more proficient, they can increase the distance between them or incorporate movement.
Tip: Players should ensure their top hand pushes and their bottom hand pulls the stick to generate force.
Triangle Passing
This drill involves three players and helps to improve quick ball movement, a crucial aspect in a real game scenario.
- Players form a triangle about 15 feet apart from each other.
- The ball starts with one player, who passes to the next player, then follows their pass to take the position of the receiver.
- The receiving player then passes to the third player and follows their pass.
- The cycle continues, with players constantly moving.
Tip: Encourage players to communicate loudly, calling out the name of the player they are passing to.
Fun shooting drills for beginners
This is a fun and competitive drill to improve shooting accuracy.
- Players line up 15 feet away from the goal.
- A coach or another player places balls or objects on top of the goal.
- Players take turns trying to knock down the objects by shooting the ball.
- The player who knocks down the most objects wins.
Tip: Emphasize shooting with the stick's head and following through to the target.
Musical Balls
A twist on the classic game of musical chairs, this drill emphasizes quick shooting under pressure.
- Place several balls around the field, fewer than the number of players.
- When the coach blows a whistle or plays music, players must run and grab a ball and then shoot it into a goal.
- The player(s) who don't get a ball or miss the goal are out. Remove one ball after each round.
- The last player remaining wins.
Tip: This drill also helps in improving sprinting and decision-making under pressure.

Defense drills for beginners
Mirror Drill
This drill helps defensive players improve their footwork and reaction speed.
- Two players face each other; one is the attacker and the other is the defender.
- The attacker tries to move laterally, and the defender mirrors their movement, trying to stay in front of them.
- After a set time, players switch roles.
Tip: Defensive players should maintain a low stance and stay on their toes for quick movements.
Poke and Drop Drill
This drill teaches beginners the basic defensive technique of poke checking.
- One player has a ball in their stick, while the other is the defender.
- The defender practices the poke check technique, trying to dislodge the ball.
- Once the ball is dislodged, the defender scoops it up and transitions to offense, while the initial attacker becomes the defender.
Tip: The poke should be quick and directed at the head of the opponent's stick.
By incorporating these beginner-friendly and fun drills into practice sessions, new lacrosse players can build a strong foundation in the sport. The key is consistency, proper technique, and, most importantly, enjoying the learning process.
Conditioning drills
Every sport requires a certain level of physical fitness, and lacrosse is no exception. Conditioning drills help players build the stamina and agility necessary for a full-length game.
Zig-Zag Sprint
- Set up cones in a zig-zag pattern.
- Players sprint from one cone to the next, changing direction sharply at each cone.
- This drill focuses on agility and change-of-direction speed.
Tip: Players should focus on planting their outside foot at each cone to change direction efficiently.
Four Corner Drill
- Set up four cones in a square shape, each cone about 20 feet apart.
- Players start at one cone and sprint to each cone in sequence, making a full loop.
- Incorporate ground balls or passes at each cone for added complexity.
Tip: Emphasize maintaining speed throughout the drill, even when picking up or passing the ball.

Goalie drills
The goalie is a pivotal player in lacrosse, and specialized drills can help beginners understand this position better.
Rapid Fire Shots
- The goalie stands in the net.
- Multiple shooters line up and take turns shooting at the goal.
- The goalie tries to block as many shots as possible.
Tip: Shooters should vary their shot type and direction to challenge the goalie.
Bounce Shot Drill
- The goalie stands in the net.
- A player shoots the ball into the ground, aiming for it to bounce before reaching the goal.
- The goalie tries to predict the ball's bounce and block the shot.
Tip: This drill helps the goalie improve reaction time and anticipation.
Fun group activities for team building
Building team chemistry is as essential as individual skills. Incorporating team-building activities can foster camaraderie and teamwork.
Lacrosse Scavenger Hunt
- Coaches create a list of lacrosse-related tasks (e.g., "Make a pass from 30 feet away", "Score a goal using your non-dominant hand").
- Players form teams and race to complete all tasks.
- The first team to finish wins.
Tip: This activity is not just about skill but also about strategy and teamwork.
Trick Shot Competition
- Players take turns attempting trick shots on goal.
- Points are awarded based on creativity and execution.
- The player with the most points wins.
Tip: This activity is light-hearted and allows players to showcase their creativity.
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