
E-book for Parents: The ultimate guide to help your child earn a scholarship

As the proud parent and number one fan of your young student-athlete, you are their lifeline as they begin their journey to fulfill their athletic potential. This e-book will help your child take the next step towards earning an athletic scholarship.

E-book for Parents: The ultimate guide to help your child earn a scholarship
“My dad and I would sit down almost every other night and look at the Veo camera footage from my games. We would edit it, put it all together for emails, and send them out.”

Chayse Ying

Player committed to a D1-college

This E-book will give you insights into:

- An introduction to Veo

- A run through the fundamentals of athletic scholarships

- A step-by-step guide on how to navigate the process

- An introduction to highlight reels

- Insights from two players that used Veo to earn a scholarship with top colleges

- Input from professional coaches

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